Modified Bjelasnica Mountain Self-Guided Tour

Experience the Olympic Spirit: A seven-day Self Guided Hiking Adventure through Bjelasnica Olympic Mountain

Explore the Via Dinarica Bosnia, an area that is yet to be discovered by many hikers. On this adventure, you’ll find a playground for active travellers: Spectacular limestone peaks; glacier lakes; amazing views; colourful wildflowers; medieval villages; and gracious, welcoming culture.

Come and explore Bjelasnica Olympic Mountain: a stunning area located at the heart of Dinaric Alps. During your trek, you’ll experience exceptional views and witness to some of the most impressive sunsets in this corner of Europe. Don’t forget to enjoy Sarajevo, Bosnia’s capital city, which hosted the 1984 Winter Olympics. Sarajevo offers an ancient mix of European and Near Eastern culture and living history.



  • Discover the Via Dinarica trail    
  • Untouched Mountain settlements, canyons & summits  
  • Enjoy old shepherd lifestyle as it was once 

Day 1: Sarajevo Arrival

Arrival to Sarajevo and start of your adventure.

Pansion Kandilj, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Day 2: Hike the old war routes at Igman Mountain

Transfer to the bottom of Igman mountain and hike over old war route to the Bjelasnica Ski resort.

Moderate walk / 5-6hrs walk / 750Δh / 11Km
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner / Hotel Bjelasnica, Bjelasnica Ski resort

Day 3: Ascent of Observatory (2,067m), Bjelasnica highest peak

Day of crossing the Bjelasnica mountain plateau with an ascent to the Observatory, highest Bjelasnica peak (2,067m).

Challenging walk / 6-7hrs walk / 850Δh / 13Km
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner / Stanari Mountain Hut, Bjelasnica mountain

Day 4: Crossing the Bjelasnica over Greda pass to Umoljani village

Hike over green Bjelasnica meadows, crossing summer pastures and old highland villages.

Challenging walk / 5-6hrs walk / 550Δh / 12Km
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner / Pension Umoljani, Umoljani village, Bjelasnica mountain

Day 5: Glimpse of Visocica mountain, with Drstva and Vito peaks

Hike across one of the most exciting rides in the area with stunning views of the opposite side of Rakitnica canyon.

Moderate walk / 5-6hrs walk / 500Δh / 12Km or
Challenging walk / 6-7hrs walk / 850Δh / 13Km
Breakfast, Lunch / Pansion Kandilj, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Day 6: Sarajevo Departure, transfer to Sarajevo International Airport

Depending on your departure time, you will be transferred to the Sarajevo International Airport.


Fact File

Period: April through October
Category: Moderate to Challenging

​​​​​​What is included: Transportation during entire trip with 4+1 Jeep or 8+1 MiniVan (including Airport transfers) to the starting/ending points; Luggage Transfers (except on day 3 to Stanari Mountain Hut); Accommodation for 5 nights; Meals specified in itinerary; All fees and taxes; Information package including detailed route description with corresponding maps of Bjelasnica & Igman (scale:50 000) and directions for self-guided walks with GPS tracks for each day & VAT.

What is not included: Flights to & from Sarajevo, Bosnia; Meals not specified in itinerary; International Travel insurance; Optional tipping to leader, guides and local staff; Souvenirs and items of a personal nature (sodas, alcoholic beverages, laundry, etc.); Any items not specifically mentioned in the program.

What to bring: Hiking boots recommended/Sturdy walking shoes, flashlight, pocket knife, sunglasses, sun cream, 1,5 liter of water, personal hygiene kit, fleece/jumper, rain gear, towel, change of clothes (e.g. dry socks, T-shirt& underwear, trousers), 30 to 40 liter backpack.